System Communication Unit SCU 810
The SCU 810 module is a complex communication device intended for the interconnection of any intelligent electronic device (IED) of Iskra NEO 3000 (NEO 2000) Substation Control and Protection System and of any third-party vendors. IED is considered as numerical protection relay, bay computer, intelligent RTU, energy counter and alike, that is used within the substation.
The SCU 810 device covers communication functions needed within substation and functions of data handling, world time synchronization and substation automation. It can serve also as interconnection gateway between hierarchically different control system levels from substation to utility dispatching centers, where data from geographically spread substations are grouped into a single database that forms an integrated supervision system of a wider
area power system. SCU 810 is a multi-protocol device that enables simultaneous communication with different IEDs connected on separate communication ports using any listed protocols. Hardware extension of communication ports is possible by using ECU 032 extension unit that provides up to 64 ports. For communication with devices over IEC 61850 there can be use optical network with star or ring configuration. SCU 810 also supports number of inevitable automatic functions when it is used as a
master automation controller in Distribution Automation System.
Gateway Function
The SCU 810 is designed for interconnection of the Iskra Sistemi’s control and protection IEDs, third- party IEDs and control centers:
• NEO 3000 IEDs (FPC 680, CAU 380)
• NEO 2000 IEDs (CAU 300 series, FPC 500 series, DAU 200 series)
• Any IEDs of different manufactures which support IEC 61850
• Any IEDs of third production by using internationally recognized communication protocols (see list on the last page)
• Station or dispatching control centers (NEO 3000 Control Center and others)
• Local SCADA MCE 940 for substation level control
Protocol converter function
SCU810 can also be used as protocol converter in smaller applications without external serial port multiplicator unit ECU 032. Beside smaller amount of serial interfaces and inability to host internal GPS clock it provides all functionalities of normal sized SCU810.
Remote configuration of IED
The SCU 810 offers the unique function of remote configuration and remote service access to IEDs. That enables service access to the settings of the device and fault recording from any point in the communication network that SCU 810 is connected to.
Using that function in larger scale permits utility company to establish Protection Management System (PMS) for integral control of numerical protection relays and other IEDs. The function is not limited by IED vendor as SCU 810 uses standard serial communication interfaces.
Other Functions
• Time synchronization (via protocol, GPS clock, DCF clock, NTP/SNTP)
• Collection and transmission of energy metering from IEDs
• Collection and transmission of condition of individual IEDs
• Collection and transmission of high resolution events (1 ms time resolution)
IEC 60870-5-104
DNP 3.0
NEO (IEC 60870-5)
IEC 61850
IEC 60870-5-101
IEC 60870-5-102
IEC 60870-5-103
Courier (IEC 60870-5)
RS485 Pro
Modbus ASCII
Modbus RTU
GE Protocol
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